

Maximize Your Bookings by Advertising Your Holiday Rental Home(s) on Rent-in-France.co.uk

If you’re looking to boost bookings for your holiday rental property in France, Rent-in-France.co.uk offers an excellent opportunity to attract clients at a very affordable cost. We specialize in advertising houses, gites, cottages, and luxury villas throughout France, helping you reach a wide audience of potential guests.

One of the key benefits of listing with Rent-in-France.co.uk is that clients book directly with you, the owner. The direct communication eliminates third-party fees, allowing you to keep more of your rental income and maintain complete control over your booking process. In our experience, we find that clients also appreciate the convenience and transparency of dealing directly with property owners, which often leads to higher booking conversion rates.

Rent-in-France attracts a diverse range of visitors looking for unique holiday accommodations in picturesque French locations, whether it’s a rustic gite in the countryside or a luxury villa, or apartment, on the French Riviera. With a navigable website and an user-friendly Owner's account, Rent-in-France.co.uk makes it easy for clients to browse and secure their perfect French holiday home.

By listing your French holiday home(s) with us, you can help maximize your bookings, build your reputation, and ensure that guests have a seamless experience from start to finish.
Contact us today regarding your and take advantage of our growing network of holidaymakers.



  • One low annual fee
  • No commission charges
  • Quick and easy sign up
  • No extra hidden charges
  • We'll create your advert for FREE
  • Availability calendar
  • 50% discount for additional property listings.
  • 24 hour access to add and update your property advert
  • World-wide site promotion
  • Property-specific search engine keywords
  • Friendly Customer service
  • Constantly striving to improve!


  One Low annual fee - equivalent to only £3.40 per week!  


You make just one annual payment of £175 (Zero VAT) for your multi-page property listing on Rent-in-France. Holidayseekers contact property owners direct, via email or telephone. We never charge ANY commission fees - no matter how many bookings you receive during the 12 month duration of your advert. You can recover the cost of your advertisement with your first rental booking! It's a No Brainer, really ...


  Quick and easy sign up  

There are 3 very simple steps to placing an advert on Rent-in-France.

1. Complete our basic Registration Form by clicking HERE
2. Create your Property advert
3. Pay and publish your advert

Then await your enquiries and take bookings direct from holidaymakers

Alternatively, just call our sales team on +44 (0)208 144 3950 or email us via our 'Contact Us' page and tell us your requirements for advertising - We will do the rest!!

  No Extra Hidden Charges or Commissions  


Unlike many of our competitors, we do not charge extra for certain features. Our one off low annual fee includes everything - a Full page description, 40 Colour photos, Availability Calendar, Website link, Property-specific Google keywords, a special deals announcements section, Unlimited updates or photo changes.

Rent-in-France is now one of the last remaining top websites that still allow our owners to have DIRECT CONTACT WITH THEIR ENQUIRER'S!

We have no intention of changing the way we operate, unlike some of the larger portals!

More information on the listing features can be seen on our Advertisement Rates page.


  We'll Create your Advert for FREE!  

Book your property advert on Rent-in-France today and our sales staff will do all the hard work for you! If you would like - We will take the hassle out of listing your French Holiday home(s) on Rent-in-France and get your advert up 'live' within 24 hrs, then you can begin to receive enquiries immediately!!

Our experienced web design team can lift the necessary description and photos from your own website and/or an existing advert you may have on another site - so you don't have to send us new copy and photos. Just tell us your requirements!

When we've finished creating your advert, we'll email you your Property Owner Account details, so that you can amend your advert as much as you like, add more photos, special deals or update your calendar. But remember, we are still here to make any INSTANT CHANGES for you as well - For no added cost!!

  Availability calendar  

We provide an availability calendar on every property listing page for holidaymakers to see when they are searching for rentals To maximise your bookings from your property listing on RIF you need to keep it up to date, otherwise you will waste time dealing with enquiries for dates that are already booked up. We now offer the facility to import an iCal format calendar into your Rent-in-France advert using the URL link to your .ics file.

  50% discount when uploading additional listings  

An owner can advertise unlimited properties (in the same location) on one particular listing, if they wish to! However, the rate for additional full page listings for an owner has been reduced massively. For example, if an owner has 4 separate full page listings, the cost of advertising will not be much more, but he/she will receive four times more exposure to help generate bookings! A holidaymaker searching your listings will also be able to see if you have any other listings on Rent-in-France and can automatically click into another advert you may have!

  24 hour access to add and update your property details  

Every advertiser on Rent-in-France will have their own property owner account details, which they can use at any time of the day to login and amend anything to their adverts - whether it be add/change photos, amend weekly rates, availability calendar etc..

  A potential audience of millions  

Our reachable audience is the many millions of UK and European holiday-makers who search the internet daily when making their holiday plans. These potential buyers are able to contact you directly, through your listing details and can make a spontaneous decision, right there and then, if your property is what they are looking for. On the Rent-in-France holiday directory, holiday-makers have direct contact with you - the owner!

  World-wide site promotion  


Our carefully targeted, ongoing promotional campaigns will ensure that holiday makers automatically choose Rent-in-France as their first port of call when seeking information about French Holiday Rentals. Our current promotional campaign ensures that hundreds of holiday accommodation searches, for all the most popular French regions, bring us up to the top, or very near the top of major search engines such as Google! As a result, our owners are reporting multiple bookings from us after just a few weeks!


  Property-specific Search Engine keywords  

Unlike other sites, you can fine-tune your own keywords and meta tags. This will ensure that individual property listings appear near the top on the major search engines, not just our Rent-in-France Homepage! Holidaymakers will be able to click straight into your property listing and make an instant enquiry for your French holiday home.

  Friendly Customer service  


At Rent-in-France we appreciate that our owners have different levels of experience and expertise in promoting their property investments - So our polite staff are always here to help in any way they can. Email us using the 'Contact Us' form in the menu above, or call:
+44 (0)208 144 3950.


  We constantly strive to improve!  

Despite the successful feedback from our owners, we are never fully content with how Rent-in-France could ultimately perform. We are continuously improving our listing displays and features, the search facilities for potential holidaymakers and adding more unique content about France in order to further boost our level of visitors to the site!