
Secluded Holiday Home with Pool on A Private 8 Acre Estate - Charente, South West France Reviews

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5 of 5 from 5 reviews.

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 Jim and Helen 8th – 25th October

Writing this at the end of our Autumn break, our 21st and 22nd weeks here - always sad to leave but we will be back once more in spring 2023. An interesting trip, with the fishing being the most challenging of my 11 visits so far, the first week was quite hard with unpredictable weather largely to blame “ just” 8 fish caught, but week two was much better with another 24 fish netted, with several forties going up to 48-00. I have had so many fantastic trips to Les Croix that eventually a more difficult one was bound to occur ! Nonetheless still enjoyed the trip and the excursions out to the local restaurants were superb. Thanks Jon and Bailey for your great company, see you in May – a bientot !

Jim and Helen 8th – 25th October