
Luxury Lakeside Gite with Stunning Views, Exclusive Carp Fishing - Les Croix, Charente Reviews

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5 of 5 from 8 reviews.

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 Jim and Helen Nicholson 7th - 21st October 2023

We have been comong to this superb venue since 2016 and the place never disappoints. This trip we started off with 28C in the daytime, then the weather changed and the following week we were down to 6C overnight thje trip ended with rain but warmer again. Theweather always has an effect on the fishing of course, this time the number of fish caught was amazing with someincredible specimens in amazing condition. A visit as usual to our favourite restaurant Le Castel de Glane in St Junien, and a day visit to the world war II memorial village of Oradour sur Glane, a very emotional visit but for anyone with even a passing interest in history, this place is an absolute must. As always thanks to Jon for his knowledge, skill and support and a special mention for aour sausage munching friend Bailey. The next trip in April 2024 is already booked and will certainly be something to look forward to during the dark winter months.....52 fish caught including 2 x 50's.

Jim and Helen Nicholson 7th - 21st October 2023