
Luxury Lakeside Gite with Stunning Views, Exclusive Carp Fishing - Les Croix, Charente Reviews

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5 of 5 from 8 reviews.

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 John and Julie Sullivan 29th Pril - 6th May 2023

A perfect time to visit Les Croix - nature at its best, foliage and f lowers blooming ! This is our 13th week at the venue. The gite is even better this year with lots of changes - great job Jon ! Thank you foir making our stay so enjoyable with your attention to detail in all areas around the venue.

On the fishing front I have been blessed with the spring challenge of the unpredictable. Finding feeding fish has been more difficult than on previous trips, my usually reliable spots have been devoid fo carp on this trip ! A long cold winter followed by a cool spring has seen the fish in the margins trying to find some warmer water. 15 carp caught with some nice 30's to 38-06. Looking forward to our next visit in September.

John and Julie Sullivan 29th Pril - 6th May 2023